Monday, August 10, 2009

Wow, where have we been and what have we been doing

Well since the last post some 3+ months ago, we've gone through Travis graduating High School, Ali graduating 8th grade and Justin advancing out of 7th grade. Where have the years gone?

We've had my family visit us during Graduation week, my mom and dad and sister Tori and her family all came out, had a good time with them here. We've also managed a surprise visit to Chicago to walk in on Sue's brothers and sisters and also Mom/Dad, none of them knowing we were coming. It was good to spend time back in Chicago, but oh man,the traffic....

As for hikes, we've done a couple of them, pics to come later, maybe I need to find a way to update the blog from the phone with the pics on them, it'd make life a lot less hectic.

We just completed our first backpacking overnight trip. Went with our friends the Benson's and our neighbors the Rasmussen's. Went about 2.4 miles in to Notch Lake up near Bald Mountain in the Uintah's. Weather was great, expecting rain, but camping at 10,200 feet, hail was more in store. Steve woke up in his tent Sunday morning to a chill of 31 degrees, ours on the other hand was a balmy 35 degrees. Thank god for good sleeping bags.

What's in store for the next few weeks: Travis moves to the University of Utah in a week and a half, Ali is trying out for Volleyball at Juan Diego and Fall Lacrosse starts for Justin. Sue and I will continually drive and pick up :)

That's it in a nutshell, I'll try to write more on what we've been doing later and post some pics.


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