Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ali's Confirmation

Ali's long 4 month journey to be confirmed in the Catholic Faith is now over. After many Monday nights, it's now over. Sue was the Catechist teacher for Ali's class of approx 15 kids. Sue got involved because she didn't want Ali to have to attend class on Sunday's, right in the middle of ski season so Sue volunteered to teach. I think she enjoyed it, even though it was many Monday Nights.
As you can see in the picture, Lucinda was Ali's sponsor, thanks Lucinda!!!

Overall, there were 128 kids Confirmed at St. John the Baptist Middle School, not bad where the obvious religion is not Catholic :)

Enjoy the pictures, next up, 8th Grade Graduation on the 20th of May and then Travis's H.S. graduation on the 23rd of May.

1 comment:

Goosetavis said...

Holy Cow!! Your kids are older. Ali looks so grown up and it's only been a year. Congrats with all the graduations, June brings peace and VACATIONS!