Monday, March 2, 2009

Well heeeeere's March

Soooo, what's happening in March???

Jay and Dalisa are moving to Knoxville, TN this month :( Hate to see them go, but we'll wish them well in their future work. Now maybe Jay can convince Dalisa NOW is the time to start a family - time will tell.

No one that we know of right now is visiting this month. The snow here is not great. We just haven't had a lot of it this year.

The weather is turning nicer, time to ramp up the training for Escape from Alcatraz. Time to pump up the tires on the bike and try to ride it again - time will tell on that one too. lol :)

That's about it for now.



Goosetavis said...

At least your snow is better than ours. Good luck on training...that's an intense Marathon!!

Meihls Family said...

It's actually not a marathon but a triathlon, 1.5 mile swim, 18 mile bike and an 8 mile run.
