Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wow, we're tired

So we got this great thought about heading up to Snowbird and taking the Tram or Peruvian Express up and hiking down. Well, our season passes aren't good for the stuff in the summer, so it was a quick change of plans, why don't we just hike up and take the lift down. No fee if you hike up and do that, we had some water and snacks, surrrrre let's do it.

About 3/4 the way up we ran into a Snowbird worker, he could tell that we were tired, he asked if we had water, we replied that we were down to our last bottle, he pointed to a spot that we had just passed and said that water is from a Spring, it's good to drink. Thank god Ali and Justin headed back down and filled up the water bottles we had, we wouldn't have made it up without those.

3 hours later we climbed on to the Peruvian Lift for the ride down. Can you say TIRED!!!

2415 Elevation feet gain, we went from 8100' to 10,515' . Can you also say out of breath most of the way, damn.

Anyway, I think we'll lay by the pool tomorrow and REST!!!!

Carry on.

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AshleeMattMaxJack said...

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