Monday, July 21, 2008

The weekend of parties

Well it all started out on Thursday. Larry and Denna had a little get together for Marketta's Birthday, that lasted a couple of hours, later Sue and I get home and sit out on the porch, Sue had had a glass or 3 of wine and was feeling "good" when Steve across the street invited us over to sit out on their deck. I truly don't know if Steve invited or Sue invited us over, oh well, well that lasted till around 1 a.m. pheww, time to get some sleep.

Friday night brought us to a little get together with the Mannix's, Justin's lacrosse coach. We didnt' make it that long there, sorry Dan and Karrie, they walked over to the Equestrian Center in Draper for the Draper Days Rodeo, when they walked over, we went home. A good time was had for such a short time too though.

Saturday took us to the Dvorak's down the street for Beckman's 1st Birthday, wow, to have kids that young again :) Always good to get together with the neighbors and their families, great party Eric and Tiffany!!

Sue's former Clinic 6 girls (University of Utah Clinic 6) :) Ashley/Lindsey, notice that it's University of Utah Clinic 6, no trademark :) had a party planned for Saturday night at Lindsey's house. Good time to see everyone that she used to work with, most of them have moved on to other departments so they always have a good time reminiscing......

After that party we went over to Ann's house to finish up the evening. Ann had a get together for Marketta's birthday too. We didn't last long as we were wiped out.

Sunday came and the Draper Pool was calling us again, lasted only about 2 hours as there was lightning and rain in the area, went home and got ready for Harriet's 2nd Birthday party at the Howarth's, always a good time to go over there and feast.

Sunday night, went to bed early :)

We're partied out for a while, well at least until Thursday when we head to the Hartness's for the Gumbo party for Pioneer Day. For those that arent' from around Utah, Pioneer day is a celebration here for the Mormon Pioneers that settled here in Utah. I guess this is the day, oh well, it's just a day off of work for MOST of Utah, don't worry about the separation of Church and State, that doesn't apply here.

:) Enjoy your week.

1 comment:

AshleeMattMaxJack said...

It was SO GOOD to see you guys!! And you are damn right U of U CLnic 6 is not trademarked!!! Ha ha ha