Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sue's Birthday Party

Yesterday was Sue's Birthday party. Why you ask do you have a party on a "not so special" year of parties? Well, Jodi Saeland from Fox 13 News came over to do the weather and when I originally emailed her asking to host one of the BBQ's that she goes out to weekly, she asked me what the special occasion was, so I chose Sue's Birthday.

We ended up having over 50 people show up. Lee had the Margarita machine going, thanks Lee for helping out. Mark and Jarrett took over the grill from me once Jodi arrived, thanks Mark and Jarrett for taking that task on. Thanks for everyone cleaning up once the News was done. It's sure appreciated.

Our one special guest didn't make it :( I had emailed Todd Herzog, the Survivor China winner, he just lives down the road about 15 minutes, I had asked if there was a way he could make an appearance, he responded to me yes, about 2 hours before the party was to begin, he emailed me asking for the time, I responded and thought for sure he would have shown up, but nope, didn't make it :( One day we'll get to meet as you all know what kind of Survivor fans we are.

Needless to say, it was a great time even for a Tuesday evening party. Thanks for all the showed up and celebrated with us and hope you all had a great time.

Sue and Dan


AshleeMattMaxJack said...

Happy Birthday Sue!!!!!!!!! I saw you guys on the news and I was laughing so hard :) You guys are so cute. I am sorry I missed it!! We MUST get together soon!!!

Goosetavis said...

So sad I didnt get to see you guys on the news but I thought about you. Glad it all turned out well and Happy Birthday Sue!

lou,chase, and marley said...

sorry we couldn't make it! we had family thing going on. it looked like you guys had alot of fun!